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Encourage your kids’ creativity, ingenuity, and think-big optimism 在se top-notch attractions

So many of the attractions showcased here have been groundbreakers in entertainment, 文化, 和保护. 开始探索这些公园和博物馆吧, 从北向南排列, 有了这些重要的经验.

1. 观看生物穿过你的路径 Safari西

这个占地400英亩的野生动物园位于 圣罗莎 被称为“索诺玛塞伦盖蒂”是有原因的. 这是 900只动物的家园 来自90个物种, 包括长颈鹿, 犀牛, 和牛羚, 还有当地物种,比如山猫和土耳其秃鹫. 但神奇的是 索诺玛县 Park来自于它的自发性. 而不是从一个栖息地走到另一个栖息地, bbin游戏官网和客人一起登上一辆卡车,出去探险,导游Jarod Paddock说. “It's never, ‘next up the zebra’ and always ‘next up, whatever we find next.“每天都是惊喜.” (更多的)

2. 观看糖果制作 果冻肚皮工厂

而基本免费游览在糖果厂 费尔菲尔德 is fun, the guided tour makes you feel like you found a golden ticket inside your Wonka Bar. You’ll don a white coat and hat to explore the factory and see the conveyor belts, 机器, 近距离观察原料. Along the way you’ll sample that inside-the-bean mixture, as well as various just-made beans. 想要最吸引眼球的旅行,一定要预定一个工作日的旅行 索拉诺县 factory, since jelly-bean-making 机器 hit pause on the weekends. (更多的)

3. 在蝴蝶里晒太阳 六旗探索王国

这是最大的刺激之一 瓦列霍 主题公园 northeast of 旧金山 is actually incredibly soothing. 走进100乘50英尺的中庭 蝴蝶的栖息地, and you’ll hear a babbling waterfall as you stroll among the trees and shrubs, 到处都点缀着大约500只蝴蝶, 由25个不同种类组成. 1988年热带展览首次亮相, 这是全国最大的蝴蝶展, 它仍然很受欢迎. 整个公园都喜欢野生动物, 太, since it was a zoo and marine life center when it first opened in the 1960s. (更多的)


4. 体验创新展览 探索博物馆

这令人兴奋的 旧金山 museum invites you to see both the world and yourself, literally, in new ways. 以大镜子为例, 哪些“改变了你看待自己的方式”, so you can give yourself a high-five or walk 'through' yourself while your image flips over,珍妮特·佩蒂帕斯说, 收藏及展览馆总监. “The shape also changes the sounds around you, making for a multi-sensory experience.” (更多的)

5. 与本地动物见面 奥克兰动物园

动物园在 奥克兰 是全球700多种生物的家园吗, hailing from the tropical rainforests to the African savannah. 它的中心是55英亩的土地 加州的小道该酒店于2018年开业. Take the Skyride gondola to the entrance—the ride alone offers views of six counties—then see animals native to the Golden State such as grizzly bears, 捷豹, 野牛, 灰色的狼, 和老鹰. The area’s conservation efforts have helped endangered California animals, 太, such as the Alameda striped racer snake and the mountain yellow-legged frog. If one day isn’t enough, book one of the overnight safari-style tent experiences. (更多的)

6. 参观一个古怪的豪宅 温彻斯特神秘屋

“古怪”概括了 圣荷西 mansion that Sarah Pardee Winchester started building in 1884. Worried that she would be haunted by the victims of her family’s rifle empire, she deliberately built quirky features to throw ghosts off track such as 40 staircases and a lot of dark (and spooky) hallways. Choose day or evening for your tour of the home or its gardens. (更多的)

7. 乘坐独特的游乐设施 吉洛伊花园

小孩子在主题公园可能会不耐烦,但这个 吉洛伊 park has found the sweet spot to keep them happy (but never overstimulated). The horticultural 主题公园 boasts made-for-small-kids rides such as the Artichoke Dip, 蘑菇秋千, and the Garlic Twirl—the latter surrounded by century-old olive trees. “即使bbin游戏官网有了孩子, bbin游戏官网可以带她去玩一些游乐设施,家庭旅行视频博客TLife的杰西卡·汤普森说, 但他们也为大一点的孩子准备了过山车.” For grown-ups, “the landscaping is amazing, and the park is magical at nighttime.” (更多的)

8. 深入研究 蒙特利湾水族馆

你会觉得自己在海底 蒙特利令人惊叹的水族馆. 先去 浪溅区, suggests Monet Hambrick, author of the blog The Traveling Child. “孩子们可以看到有鱼群的大鱼缸, but they can also touch stingrays and starfish in the touch tanks,她说。. After, let them blow off steam on the playground outside, perched on the bay. (更多的)


9. 参加工作室之旅 好莱坞环球影城

说到大片. With its behind-the-scenes look at a functioning studio lot, this ride-meets-tour洛杉矶县 主题公园 提供刺激和魅力. The hour-long Jimmy Fallon–narrated tram ride is jam-packed with sights and even has a special effects–fueled Hollywood finish. Kids will appreciate the most current sets seen on the tour, such as 的声音’s studio, but everyone will enjoy seeing icons such as King Kong, the ever-spooky house from 《bbin游戏官网》,以及来自 大白鲨 (直呼他的名字:布鲁斯). (更多的)

10. 在老西部玩(和吃派) 诺特浆果农场

这个主题公园在奥兰治县 尔巴布埃纳岛公园 started as a farmstand selling boysenberries and pies during the Depression. 后来它演变成了一家餐馆, 在20世纪60年代, the Knott family put up an Old West attraction to keep customers occupied—and Gold Rush era-themed roller-coasters, 显示, 商店紧随其后. 今天,夫人. Knott’s Chicken Dinner Restaurant still sits outside the park gates, 这样你就可以享受一顿家庭大餐了,最后是温暖的, 紫色的馅饼. (更多的)


11. 重新发现经典 迪斯尼乐园度假村

任何时候你登上游乐设施,你就进入了时光机 梦境. 不仅有像“疯狂的茶党”这样的经历. 《bbin游戏官网》和《bbin游戏官网》都在这里 阿纳海姆 1955年公园的开幕日, but their combination of gentle thrills and iconic imagery can awaken that childlike excitement in anybody. 新的体验总是在二人组中首次亮相 迪斯尼乐园——另一辆1955年的车, 《bbin游戏官网》, even got a slight makeover in 2020—but overall, these classic rides remain blissfully unchanged. (更多的)

12. 探索美国迷你岛 加利福尼亚的乐

这些城市景观的缩放再造, 由3200多万块乐高积木组成, 集中体现…的独创性 加利福尼亚的乐 in 卡尔斯巴德. 它也是公园的地理中心, making it easy to pop in and out during your visit as a break between rides. Each time, look for new gems—like surfers, limos, even zombies or tiny LEGO folks practicing tai chi. 一定要参加老少皆宜的海岸巡游, which winds its way through Miniland’s waterways and gets you closer to the Taj Mahal and Sydney Opera House. (更多的)

13. 与海豚交谈 圣地亚哥海洋世界

在泳池边的海豚邂逅, 你不仅可以抚摸友好的宽吻海豚, 但你真的会学到他们的语言. “bbin游戏官网教客人bbin游戏官网使用的手势, 比如让他们发声或“鞠躬”,,这激发了他们对跳跃的热爱,迈克·邓恩说, 教育经理 圣地亚哥海洋世界. 客人们兴奋地离开.” (更多的)

14. 参观非洲岩石 圣地亚哥 动物园

有六个栖息地,这片广阔的区域 圣地亚哥’s world-famous zoo encapsulates the continent from the coast to the savannah. 看看当地的动物,如豹, 狐猴, 狒狒, 矮鳄鱼, 还有可爱的小羚羊klipspringers. 不要错过 非洲企鹅, who can swim up to 15 mph in their cobblestone-ringed pool that resembles Boulders Beach in South Africa (there's even an underwater window for observing up close). Fun fact: 非洲企鹅 are sometimes known as “jackass” penguins, 因为它们的叫声听起来很奇怪,像驴子的叫声. (更多的)

The safety of both visitors and residents is a top priority in the Golden State. 旅行前,要熟悉 当地的指导方针和法规 你计划去的所有目的地. bbin游戏官网也鼓励大家去看看访问加州的网站 负责任的旅游枢纽 还有最新的 旅游信息更新.



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