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23 Winter Deals in California

23 Winter Deals in California

Posted 4 years agoby Katrina Hunt

加州的冬天一点也不让人昏昏欲睡. 高山山脉和圣贝纳迪诺山脉正在下雪 desert 这是一个热闹的地方,吃货们正在充分利用它 California Restaurant Month all over the state. Deals are buzzing too, 在上述所有景点以及海滩小镇和葡萄酒之乡都可以享受优惠的价格. 从这些实惠的奢侈品开始你的冬季旅行吧:

Greater Palm Springs wellness deals

Even though it’s peak season in the desert, there are still deals to be had, especially on cool things to do. The deals page 大棕榈泉的网站包括健康和高尔夫交易,如蜂蜜 & 日期:身体更新或冬季活肤 Spa Las Palmas at Omni Rancho Las Palmas Resort & Spa (good through Jan. 31), or greens fees starting at just $26 at Tahquitz Creek Golf Resort (good through April 5).

See Monterey AT&T Pebble Beach Pro-Am deal at the Centrella Inn

See Monterey交易页面经常提供提前预订的折扣. 每年的这个时候,他们还为来镇上玩高尔夫球的球迷提供一个不错的套餐 AT&T Pebble Beach Pro-Am (Feb. 3–9): a stay at the quaint Centrella Inn 在太平洋格罗夫,有免费乘车往返活动, 还有免费早餐(如果你想早点去看Pro-Am比赛,甚至可以买到外带早餐). Good through Feb. 9.

Discover Los Angeles Westside hotel deals

Considering a trip to L.A.? From now through Feb. 29号(有时甚至更贵),你可以买到西区酒店(Westside)的特价商品,比如the Sofitel Los Angeles at Beverly Hills—offering a 20 percent discount, a complimentary upgrade, and breakfast for two—and the Kimpton Hotel Wilshire在那里,您将获得免费升级和两张彼得森汽车博物馆的门票. 想要度过一个浪漫的周末,可以考虑住在 Intercontinental Los Angeles Century City, 该酒店在入住时提供免费升级套房和一瓶气泡酒(直到3月31日)。.

Travel Yosemite and Yosemite-Madera County up to 40 percent off at lodges

Winter is a serene time in Yosemite National Park而且作为奖励,住在其中一个著名的小屋更容易. Travel Yosemite is offering a Third Night Free deal 阿瓦尼和约塞米蒂山谷旅馆(有效期至3月26日),以及 50 percent off winter passes that are good for six activities, including a free lift ticket to Badger Pass, cross-country gear rental, 在库里村(Curry Village)滑冰(有效期至3月27日). Visit Yosemite-Madera County offers some of the same lodging deals, 还有这个有趣的:火车旅行优惠30%, transfers, and park admission with the Amtrak San Joaquins deal (good through Feb. 29).

Huntington Beach hotel deals

The deals page 这个被称为“美国冲浪城”的小镇的门票包括了一些折扣 Paséa Hotel & Spa. 入住两晚或两晚以上可享受25%的折扣(4月前有效),或250美元的特价服务,每日代客泊车, knocks off resort fees, 并提供几杯免费鸡尾酒(整个二月都可以享用)。.

Sonoma Valley Second Night Free at Kenwood Inn & Spa

事实证明,冬季是葡萄酒之乡交易的黄金时间, 在这项优惠中,你不必为了获得免费住宿而住好几晚. The offer also includes two $50 spa credits, breakfast buffet for two, 以及每日日落魔幻时刻葡萄酒和奶酪招待会. Good through March 5. The Sonoma Valley deals page has lots of other good options, too, like a free wine-tasting passport with other lodgings.

Tahoe South hotel deals

沿着太浩湖的酒店有美丽的风景,很容易到达山区的度假胜地. Check out the 25 percent off deal at The Lodge at Edgewood Tahoe (3月9日至4月5日有效),或者工作日优惠30%,周末优惠20% Tahoe Lakeshore Lodge & Spa (good through March 27). Tahoe South的网站也是购买打折电梯票的好地方 Heavenly and Kirkwood ahead of time.

Visit Newport Beach whale watching deals

现在是奥兰治县海岸和纽波特海滩观赏灰鲸的好季节 offers page 有各种各样的折扣,你可以利用这些折扣去水上,比如20美元的观鲸游轮(在该运营商那里有50%的折扣),或者一张儿童免费的观鲸游轮票,可以节省你34美元. Good through March 31.

Temecula Valley Sip, Sip, Stay Special

1月份,内陆帝国镇(Inland Empire)周围的酿酒厂和餐馆开始供应葡萄酒 creative burgers that pair well with local wine. 但是整个冬天,你都可以预定周中入住 participating Temecula Valley property 这是一次认真的品酒之旅,参观这个备受赞誉的葡萄酒产区. 住两晚就能得到一本品酒护照, 可以在餐厅品尝五次标准葡萄酒(价值48美元) long list of participating wineries而住三晚就能拿到两本护照. Good through April 17.

Napa Valley Cabernet Season packages

冬天为纳帕谷带来了赤霞珠季节的欢乐,有多种庆祝方式. At Solage Calistoga, the Ho Ho Ho Avoid the Snow 在3月31日之前,你可以享受250美元的水疗或餐饮优惠 Cozy in Cabernet Season package at Wine Country Inn & Cottages includes a welcome bottle, fresh-baked cookies, and lobby tastings starting at just $225 a night. The Visit Napa Valley special offers page 还包括许多关于加州餐馆月的优惠提示. 大多数与解百纳相关的优惠有效期到3月31日,有些到4月30日.



Visit Mendocino Storm-Watching Special

在这里,冬天不仅仅是赏鲸的季节. 沿着引人注目的北海岸,你还可以认真地观察大自然的风暴. 小河酒店(Little River Inn)的这项优惠包括一间海景房(带室内壁炉),春季一晚只需170美元. 既然不会一直下雨,毛绒 family-owned inn 布拉格堡南部也有一个奥杜邦认证的高尔夫球场,方便前往范戴姆州立公园和州立海滩. Good through spring.

Mammoth Mountain lift plus lodging deals through May

猛犸的滑雪季节正如火如荼地进行着,提前一点计划可以帮你省下一大笔钱. For instance, you can get 20 percent off your lift tickets when you buy at least a week ahead, 如果你买多日票,可以节省高达40%的费用. Or, get your 4th night free 四种住宿选择之一(虽然4月18日还不错),或者节省高达100美元 25 percent off on Memorial Day Weekend (别忘了,去年7月4日有人在这里滑雪。).

San Diego Tourism discounts at San Diego Zoo with hotel stays

San Diego’s offers page 列出尽可能多的优惠和折扣,你可能想要的酒店, restaurants, 还有景点,这也是发现隐藏宝石的好方法. Take the boutique-style 1906 Lodge on Coronado Island, which dates back to—well, 你可能猜到了——它的动物园和野生动物园的交易给你带来了很好的折扣,你无论如何都会想去的景点. 住宿包括每日自助早餐,欢乐时光,沙滩装备,和更多. Deal is ongoing.

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